Assignment 1
Afya County and National Support Program (Afya Halisi) Mid Term programmatic Review, Funded by USAID and implemented by a consortium led by JHPIEGO
Assignment 2
Emollient Scooping Survey in Busia and Bungoma Counties, funded by GSK and implemented by Save the Children
Assignment 3
Evaluating the Effect of a Savings and Loaning intervention on uptake of Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Services in Busia and Bungoma County, Western Kenya – funded by GSK and implemented by Save the Children
Assignment 4
Non Communicable Diseases in Emergencies Study – Funded by the Danish Red Cross, implemented the Kenya Red Cross Society
Assignment 5
Impact of Covid-19 on Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases in Meru and Nairobi Counties, Funded by the Danish Red Cross
Assignment 6
Rapid Sanitation Marketing Survey and Enhanced Capacity building for Implementing Sustainable Sanitation Campaign in Homa Bay County, Implemented by Plan International
Assignment 7
End Term Evaluation, Sexual, Reproductive and Gender Based Violence Project in Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement, funded by the Government of Japan and implemented by UNFPA through IRC and KRCS
Assignment 8
Study on the effectiveness of combined approaches towards improving utilization of Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health Services in Kisumu and Kakamega Counties, Kenya. Funded by USAID and implemented by JHPIEGO
Assignment 9
Afya County and National Support Program (Afya Halisi) RMNCAH and WASH assessment for Kitui Rural and Kitui West Sub Counties, Kitui County, Funded by USAID and implemented by a consortium led by JHPIEGO
Assignment 10
Baseline Evaluation for Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases for Healthy Lifestyle Project, Funded by the Danish Red Cross and implemented by the Kenya Red Cross Society
Assignment 11
Measuring the impact of re-oriented Traditional Birth Attendants and Religious leaders on improving Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child health indicators: An anecdotal evidence gathering study, Mandera County, Funded by the European Union and implemented by Save the Children
Assignment 12
Endline evaluation for accelerating the reduction in maternal, new-born and child mortality Project in Mandera County, implemented by Save the Children
Assignment 13
Endline Evaluation of the Integrated Health Outreach Programme (IHOP) in Isiolo County that was funded by the Japanese Red Cross, and implemented by Kenya Red Cross Society
Assignment 14
Baseline Assessment for Afya County and National Support Program (Afya Halisi) RMNCAH and WASH in Kitui County that was funded by USAID and implemented by a consortium led by JHPIEGO
Assignment 15
Endline Evaluation for Enabling Sustainable Health Equity (ESHE), Delivering Increased Family Planning Across Rural Kenya Component, Funded by UKAID/DFID and implemented by Save the Children
Assignment 16
Endline evaluation of the Maternity and Child Health, Nutrition and Family Planning Services project in Tudor, Mombasa County that was funded by European Union and Danish Red Cross, implemented by Kenya Red Cross Society
Assignment 17
Endline Evaluation for Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases for Healthy Lifestyle Project, Funded by the Danish Red Cross and implemented by the Kenya Red Cross Society
Assignment 18
Endline Evaluation for HIV and TB Program in Kakuma and Daadab Refugee Camps, funded by the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (GFATM) and implemented through the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and Kenya Red Cross Society
Assignment 19
SRHR Component Evaluation for Enhancing Nutrition services to Improve Maternally and Child Health (ENRICH) project, funded by Global Affairs Canada, implemented by World Vision
Assignment 20
Final evaluation of the Improving maternal, new born and child health in pastoralist communities of Mandera County, Kenya project, implemented by Health Poverty Action
Assignment 21
Qualitative Assessment to determine factors that contribute to defaulting among individuals in
HIV treatment in 33 counties Kenya.
Assignment 21
Qualitative Assessment to determine factors that contribute to defaulting among individuals in
HIV treatment in 33 counties Kenya.
Assignment 22
A Cluster Randomized Evaluation of the Families Together Intervention in Kajiado and Turkana
Counties, Kenya, as part of the USAID funded Strengthening Community Outcomes through
Positive Engagement Project.
Assignment 23
Feasibility Study for the Access Project, Embu County, Kenya.
Assignment 24
Baseline Assessment for the Scale-up of CFK Africa’s Health and Nutrition Program in Kajiado, Machakos, Nakuru, Kilifi, Mombasa, Nairobi, Kisumu and Kiambu Counties
Assignment 25
Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Study on the Clinical Practice Guidelines for Diabetic
Retinopathy Among Eye Care Workers in Kenya.
Assignment 26
Development of the Training Manual on Mainstreaming Disability in WASH and HIV Programs
(Participants and facilitators manuals) and training slide decks.
Assignment 27
Continuity in Crisis: Ensuring Continuity of Non Communicable Diseases care for Crisis-affected
Populations in Kalobeyei Refugee Camp, Kilifi, Tana River and Nairobi Counties
Assignment 28
Removing Barriers: Improving Access to Women’s and Girls’ SRHR Mid Term Evaluation in
Kenya and Ethiopia.
Assignment 29
Removing Barriers: Improving Access to Women’s and Girls’ SRHR Mid Term Evaluation in
Kenya and Ethiopia.
Assignment 30
Study on the Effectiveness of a combined approach towards Improving Utilization of Adolescent
Sexual Reproductive Health Services in Kisumu and Kakamega Counties, Kenya.